The Croton-Harmon Education Foundation (CHEF) invites teachers, administrators, students, and other community members to apply for funding to benefit any or all of the district schools. We encourage students, parents, and community members to apply in partnership with a CHUFSD teacher or administrator.

Applying for grants is now even easier.
We’ve streamlined the application process!
There is only one application which asks seven questions.
We accept applications on a rolling basis.*

One simple grant form
Three grant types

Seed Grant ($5,000 or below): This award fosters experimentation and innovation through the support of smaller pilot programs or initiatives. Educators can try out an idea to see if it merits expansion and provides insight on how to implement and possibly adjust the program to reach more students on a larger scale.

Example: A CHEF Seed grant provided support to purchase a yoga mindfulness “Train the Trainer” module for CET teachers.

Program Innovation Grant (above $5,000): This award is meant to introduce a new program or enhance an existing one. Proposals are often for a special initiative, project or piece of equipment not covered by the school budget. The proposal may build upon a previously funded CHEF Seed Grant or can be new.

Assume that after the first year of support, you must ask the BOE to provide sustainable support.

Example: CHEF recently provided a Program Innovation Grant to the CET library to support the introduction of coding and robotics.

School/District-Wide Grant (implementing across school or district): This award supports strategic programs benefiting a large numbers of students in one or more schools. The proposal may build upon a previously funded Seed or Program Innovation Grant or be new to CHEF.

Assume that after the first year of support, you must ask the BOE to provide sustainable support.

Example: CHEF funding supported a new, state-of-the art collaborative workspace in the CHHS library, including a wrap around, touch sensitive projection screen for student-led learning.

Grant form follow up

Many times, we need additional information to make sure an idea is well understood and fits within our mission.  Following your submission, we’ll contact you with any specific questions as soon as possible, so we can move the process along quickly.

Submit your grant form

Please submit all grants in the form of a GoogleDoc or Microsoft Word to

Questions? We’re here to support you.

We welcome communication and collaboration during the application process. If you have questions, need help, or just want to start a dialogue about an idea, please email us at


*If you have been working on a grant application in the former application format, we will accept it for the 2018-2019 Academic Year.

**Applications and resubmissions, even following feedback, are not guaranteed funding. Various factors are taken into consideration when approving a grant application including the project fit with our mission, availability of funds, and other competing proposals.